Our Faith Quilters are a phenomenal group of women who quilt four days a month for eight months of the year. From September through May they quilt the second and fourth Monday and Tuesday from 9am until 3pm (taking the month of December off). They welcome anyone who is interested in helping with their projects. Make sure you bring a bag lunch and get ready for some wonderful fellowship!
On quilting days the Faith Quilters iron fabric, cut pieces, sew tops and backs, pin quilts together, tie them with yarn and lastly sew the quilts together.
Each volunteer helps where they are most comfortable and can be working at church or from home. They have been known to quilt up to 360 quilts in one year!
The quilts have been sent all around Kandiyohi County and beyond including the American Red Cross, Green Lake Lutheran Ministries, women's shelters and more along with many other countries through Lutheran World Relief.
Each year, our quilters also make a beautiful handmade quilt for each graduating seniors here at Faith - a treasured and special gift!
Once a year Faith has a special offering for the Faith Quilters. Any money donated goes toward the cost of shipping these quilts and their batting. One quilt typically costs $2.25 to ship. The batting is one the greatest expenses as a bundle of batting runs about $54. Donations of fabric, thread and batting are welcome at anytime.