For our current 9th Grade Confirmands, find the instructions for your Statements of Faith below.
Confirmation at Faith is a three year program for students in grades 6-8, with the service to celebrate their Affirmation of Baptism taking place in the fall of their 9th grade year.
These youth attend class on Wednesday evenings, and learn about their faith, their baptismal promises, and what it means to become a confirmed member of the church.
Lesson topics include: The Old Testament, New Testament, Martin Luther and the Reformation, Ten Commandments, Apostles' Creed, etc. They are also responsible to take "notes" during worship. If you are visiting another church some weekend you may take a sermon note from them.
A look at a typical Wednesday schedule:
6:00 Feast Service
6:35 p.m. Large Group Discussion
7:00 p.m. Small Group Discussion
7:35 p.m. Goodnight
Adult volunteers act as Confirmation Guides for small groups during the year. These are typically led by two adult leaders. Youth also participate in several service projects throughout the year.
Affirmation of Baptism service takes place the last Sunday in October on Reformation Sunday for those in their 9th grade year.